- 楼面承载能力 Capacity of Load Carrying of Board
- 层载能力 Capacity of Load Carrying
- 立柱宽度 Column Width
- 最下层净空间高度 Clearance Under Lowermost Shelf
- 化学锚栓 Chemical Anchoring Bolt
- 悬臂底座 Cantilever Base
- 防撞护栏 Crash Barrier
- 垂直拉杆 Cross Stay
- 柱卡(挂件或连接件) Connector
- 旋转式货架 Carousel
- 悬臂式货架 Cantilever Racking
- 进出口商品检验 Commodity Inspection
- 报关行 Customs Broker
- 报关 Customs Declaration
- 集装箱码头 Container Terminal